Dear friends and customers,
My repair shop is open for curbside drop off and pick up of repairs for your convenience by appointment only. I prioritize the safety of myself and that of my customers.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me by email at ClassicalGuitarLuthier@gmail.com. If you’d like to call instead, here is my number 305-903-2554. If I don’t pick up the phone right away, I am probably driving or giving a lesson. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
As always, I value your patronage and look forward to supporting you with your custom build and repair needs.
I am still taking orders for new guitar builds. Please call to discuss your needs. Stock guitars purchased during this time will be shipped and subject to standard trial and return policies. ​
During these challenging times, please rest assured that I will continue to deliver the highest level of service for you.
As always, I value your patronage. Please subscribe below for updates. I look forward to supporting you with your guitar needs.

Please enjoy sound samples played on my guitars.
Concert classical guitars start at a base price of $5,500. Each one is an individual hand crafted work of art.
I work with both traditonal building methods and the newest innovations. You are limited only by your imagination!
The current build time for new instruments
is approximately 6-9 months.
Thanks For Stopping By!
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